

CoCo 本人給歌迷的最新留言,其中,她提到了即將在八月發行的國語專輯。


"I wanna share something with my fans:

I have been listening again and again to the finished album and I can't help but cry tears of joy. Yes, I did it, I finally did it!!! I have set a goal from the beginning of the album that I have wanted to do for many years. I wanted to create an excellent Chinese album with all great songs, not just only 3 or 4 hit singles, but every song has to be great. There are no fillers, no B side tracks in this album. It's got so much soul, emotions, depth and edginess all in one album! And I even tried musical styles that I have never tried before and it turned out to be amazing!! The hardest part was picking which songs to be the singles!!!

From the beginning, I was determined to make this one right. I have put my heart and soul into it, and so did my whole team. I am passionate about my music. I was so strict with everything and must have driven many people crazy starting from the picking of the songs, to music arrangements, to producing, and all the way to the final mixing. I was in there every step of the way giving the most detailed direction of how the song should be done.

I thank my team for believing in me and giving me the freedom to make my vision come true. I thank their trust in my musical sense. I really hope you guys will like this album. This album is my baby and I am soooooo excited and I can't wait for you guys to hear it. xoxoxoxoxo"


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